Sunday, January 30, 2011


Use Wikipedia to locate answers to the crossword puzzle below.


2. The main character in the Giver.
4. A form of figurative language that uses like or as.
5. Twilight werewolf.
6. Keepers Trilogy written by Ridley Pearson.
8. The solar systems star.
11. Author of the Star Spangled Banner
12. The 50th state.
15. Dividend of a fraction.
1. Don't do drugs motto.
3. Last name of the 16th president.
7. Divisor of a fraction.
9. Capital of Nevada.
10. Found by multiplying length by width.
13. Solid form of water.
14. 71 % of earth is covered by this.

This is activity can be used as a fun and quick review for students.